School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Road safety of the classified road network in the county of Bentheim

The project's objective was to devise approaches, potential measures, and priorities for enhancing the safety of traffic facilities in the county of Bentheim through a comprehensive traffic accident analysis. This involved examining the primary causes of traffic accidents, their distribution in both extra-urban and local thoroughfare networks, and formulating recommendations for specific measures along with their prioritization.

The selection of appropriate measures was guided by the network function of each road section, aligning with the "self-explanatory road" principle outlined in technical regulations. Consequently, a supplementary network function analysis following RIN 2008 was deemed necessary for the network. The resulting data and analyses were consolidated into a GIS-supported planning tool tailored to the district of Grafschaft Bentheim. This planning tool, developed for the first time as part of the expert work, must also be seamlessly integrated into the client's existing geoinformation system. This integration enables the client to autonomously update accident and network data, as well as conduct road safety analyses.