School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

DiVerSity - Digitalization of traffic signs and truck guidance in cities

Reliable and city-compatible truck routing in cities is important for both logistics companies and local authorities. To achieve this, restrictions relevant for trucks as well as connected and low-conflict HGV routes must be known exactly. Logistics companies that operate nationwide are particularly reliant on this knowledge in order to be able to deploy their vehicles efficiently.

For local authorities, other aspects are important when designating and publicising lorry restrictions and creating HGV routes. These include safe and conflict-free traffic routing, the avoidance of disruptions to the traffic flow, the protection of sensitive urban areas and aspects of noise and emission reduction.

The aim of the project Digitalization of traffic signs and truck guidance in cities is to enable municipalities to manage truck traffic in urban areas in a way that is environmentally friendly. The basis for truck guidance is knowledge of the municipal planning of restrictions relevant to truck traffic. Therefore, methods for the collection and digitalisation of truck-relevant traffic signs are first examined. Successful processes are then defined with which local authorities can build up comprehensive databases for truck guidance. Finally, model-based procedures that can be implemented by local authorities for planning purposes are identified, according to which local authorities can assess the environmental impact of HGV traffic and derive suitable networks for HGV traffic.