School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Reliability of truck traffic on network sections of motorways - ZULANA

The impact of travel time losses on trucks is often significantly higher than on car traffic on federal motorways. Existing methods for empirical and predictive analysis are lacking, resulting in the insufficient consideration of reliability in transport planning, including network design, road infrastructure dimensioning, and federal transport infrastructure planning. There is a need for innovation in utilizing navigation data for the systematic measurement of and causal research in the reliability of truck traffic.

Project Objective

The objective is to analyze and research the causes of the reliability of truck traffic on federal motorways using navigation data, specifically from the ADAC ("General German Automobile Club"). By intersecting and merging this data with information on traffic volume, roadworks, accidents, and weather, the project aims to develop methods for monitoring reliability and conduct in-depth investigations into the causes of reliability declines on selected network sections.


  • Literature-based identification of potential reliability indicators for a monitoring system.
  • Technical resolution of navigation data to identify practical reliability indicators on sections of the federal motorway network based on spatial-temporal criteria.
  • Intersection of additional datasets for root cause analysis and the development of a web application for cartographic representation.

Expected Results

The project aims to provide methods for establishing reliability monitoring on federal motorways and identifying statistically valid variables influencing the reliability of truck traffic. These methods will serve as the foundation for complementary modeling forecasts assessing the impact of infrastructure projects on reliability and for updating relevant regulations.