School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Development of innovative methods for the disaggregation of large-scale transport interconnection matrices for the first development of the commercial transport module in the traffic model of the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR)

The chair of Freight Transport Planning and Transport Logistics generates small-scale model input data as part of the project "Development of innovative methods for the disaggregation of large-scale transport interconnection for the first development of the commercial transport module in the traffic model of the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR), in which commercial transport is to be modeled with the MATSim microscopic traffic model. For this purpose, the large-scale transport interconnection matrices, which are created as part of the federal transport planning, are disaggregated. Using the ruhrAGIS land use mapping and other structural data, location-specific sources and sinks of freight transport as well as freight interconnections between these locations are generated as models.