School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

BMMhoch3 - Company mobility management in the Bergisches Städtedreieck

Logo des Projekts BMMhoch3

Company Mobility Management (BMM) is a strategy that efficiently and sustainably organizes company transport, encompassing the vehicle fleet, business travel, and employee mobility. This approach aims to yield economic, social, and ecological benefits by enhancing resource efficiency. In the Bergisches Städtedreieck pilot region, various districts and stakeholders are being identified where BMM can be implemented to leverage synergies. Selected stakeholders receive guidance on implementing BMM concepts. The neighborhood type approach is designed to be replicable in other regions across Germany. The project is a collaboration with the Wuppertal Institute for Climate and Environment, the Bergische Gesellschaft für Ressourceneffizienz mbH (Neue Effizienz), and EcoLibro GmbH. Funding for the research project is provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the NRW Ministry for Economics over a three-year period.